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 -- Command: popasl ID/K, COMMAND/K, PORT/K, HELP/K, NODE/K, ATTRS/K/M,
          CONTENT/K/F, SPEC/K
     Popasl gadget objects are created with this command.  String and
     popasl gadgets are essentially identical with the only difference
     being the base object class to create each type of object.  The
     most notable difference is that the popasl object has an attached
     button that allows the user to bring up an ASL file requestor. 
     The selected file is placed into the string content.  All options
     are identical for these objects with the exception of the SPEC
     option (used to specify the popbutton image specification). Refer
     to the string command for descriptions of these options.

        * SPEC [I..] - this argument is used to specify a MUI image
          specification (see MUI Image Specifications) for the
          popbutton.  If not given then the image `MUII_PopUp' will be